Painting & Curling (Experiments In Balance)

Painting & Curling (Experiments In Balance) from JoshCouturierVimeo2 on Vimeo. Painting & Curling is an Experiment in Balance. The experiment required the tools involved in painting and physical exercise to have codependency when making a mark on canvas. The duration was based on 3 sets of 5 repetitions, which is the most current work outContinue reading “Painting & Curling (Experiments In Balance)”

“wRECk Center” an Experimental Performance

Xbox One & Flat Stone (Experiments In Balance) from JoshCouturierVimeo2 on Vimeo. A Xbox One & Flat Stone partook in the series, “Experiments In Balance” (aka) the “wRECk Center”. Investigating the question of how to better ones artistic practice, I found that the answers were hidden behind obstacles that only solely burned time. If after reflectingContinue reading ““wRECk Center” an Experimental Performance”